Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Tantric Roopa Of Lakshmi

Lakshmi Tantra is an unusual book. This does not mention ritual worship, temple specifications, or the specificity of such rituals. This concerns himself with individual worshipers, who in this painting are Rishi Chyavana himself.
Lakshmi Tantra

He paid homage to the roopa tantra Lakshmi, which is the Shakti located behind Narayana. The form you see here is the roopa of all women as described in the Lakshmi Tantra - noble, male appendage, and worthy of worship. He was wrapped in bright yellow silk which was overlaid with a shringar consisting of pearl, emerald and gold.

Rishi Chyavana

In all four arms there is a melodic conch, a lotus that is on the verge of blooming (a suitable lotus can be found on his gold-studded crown), a disc associated with her husband, and a stick that sends chills down the spine of the dharma. Notice the naked prostration below Him which is His giant asanas.

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